Ever Had Deer Meat?

Posted by JMom | Friday, September 26, 2008 | | 0 comments »

Have you ever had deer meat or venison? It's not a common meat to be had around our parts but in other parts of the country where hunting is a big sport, I hear it's quite easy to find. Well according to our local news, it won't be long until we start seeing venison among our local markets. That's because on of the largest privately owned forests in our town just opened sections of the forest to hunting.

Apparently, the deer population has been growing more than the forest can sustain. So for the next three months, it's open season on the poor deer.

If you plan on going hunting, you may want to gear up properly first. There are a number of sports equipment stores to go to but you can also check out 5.11 Tactical or any of the professional outfitters online. The equipment and clothing are sometimes of better quality and more sturdy. So get shopping! In the meantime, I'm staying off the trails until the season is over. :)

