Steak Fried Chicken

Posted by JMom | Tuesday, March 01, 2005 | 10 comments ยป

If you can chicken fry a steak, I figured you can also fry chicken like a steak, right? So this is our experiment, for a quick, easy weekday meal.

Chicken Breasts

Marinate chicken breasts in Kikkoman's Teriyaki Sauce

Fry in a hot saucepan that has been greased lightly with vegetable oil. After pan frying chicken breasts, deglaze the pan with chicken broth and marinating liquid; reduce liquid to half, then thicken the broth by incorporating butter until the sauce thickens. Pour sauce/gravy over fried chicken breasts and serve.


  1. Unknown // 3/03/2005 6:49 PM  

    that looks like a great way to sear the chicken so they don't dry out! hmmm teriyaki.
    how are you all, jmom? i commiserate re: PC problems, how frustrating. hope it gets sorted out soon...almost weekend yehey...

  2. Thess // 3/04/2005 4:01 AM  

    I was just at Stel' chicken recipes...and this with teriyaki sauce.. ay naku, naiimagine ko na lasa nito *drools*

    how are you mom and kids and hubby doing? still snowed in? us too are experiencing this weird weather, it was -20.7 C (not F) last night and for holland, that's extreme.

    (btw, how's your tagboard search going?)

  3. JMom // 3/04/2005 9:57 AM  

    Hi Stel and Thess! Thanks, simpleng simple talaga ito. Since I can't do anything with the PC at home, I am now dredging photos already uploaded in photobucket.

    Thess, wala naman kaming snow, thank goodness. Just terribly cold, but probably not as cold as in Boston or Holland, so I'm not complainning. At least the sun is out.

    My tagboard search is not going anywhere yet. Istorbo kasi ang trabajo. I can't wait till I can play at home again!!! We're having mayor internet withdrawals!

    Happy weekend to you both!

  4. Anonymous // 3/08/2005 4:46 AM  

    Yeah!!! It's been awhile since I've seen you posting and I agree, why not fry chicken like a steak! Kikkoman's is also my favorite soy sauce. :-)

  5. Anonymous // 3/08/2005 4:46 AM  

    Yeah!!! It's been awhile since I've seen you posting and I agree, why not fry chicken like a steak! Kikkoman's is also my favorite soy sauce. :-)

  6. Rowena // 3/08/2005 4:47 AM  
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  7. Rowena // 3/08/2005 4:47 AM  

    OOps...I don't know what's up with the double comments up there...Blogger has been giving me some problems this morning

  8. celia kusinera // 3/08/2005 12:21 PM  

    That's a great idea Jmom. And more than that congratulations for being Pinoy Blog of the Week!! Say hello for me to the girls ... mwah!

  9. Anonymous // 3/08/2005 2:13 PM  

    Why oh why did I immediately think garlic steak when I saw the picture? Garlic chicken steak kaya? But I also want teriyaki! Two kinds of steak kaya in one meal? :)

  10. JMom // 3/08/2005 6:41 PM  

    Hi Rowena! Thanks, my hubby really liked this one, but then he likes all meats :-)

    Hi Celia!!! I'm still grinning, ear to ear!! Thanks for letting me know. I would gone the whole week without visiting Pinoy Blogs if you hadn't told me.

    Hi Karen! Yeah, galic with teriyaki sounds great. Actually, anything with garlic is great :-)
