It's the Grandfather Time of Year

Posted by JMom | Friday, December 05, 2008 | , | 0 comments ยป

grandfather clockGrandfather time is waning this time of year, but not so for grandfather clock. I have been seeing more modern homes lately that have clocks as a centerpiece in their home decor.

Time has always held a certain fascination for me so I guess it's only natural that I've also developed an affinity to timepieces. It started when I was single and didn't have my own home yet. I started collecting watches then jewelry timepieces. When I finally moved out of my moms house and got my own condo, one of my most treasured housewarming gifts was a crystal mantel clock. My condo didn't have a fireplace much less a mantle, but that didn't matter much. It was perfect atop the credenza in my dining room. As I got more comfortable with my new space, I added more embellishments here and there including a huge wall clock that dominated one wall in the living room.

It's been a few decades since those early days. I've moved several times since then but I always took my clocks with me. Now we're in a home that I think we'll be in for quite a long time, at least until the girls are out of the house into their own. The house we're in is an old house and we've done a lot to improve it and modernize it. There is one thing that I have been wanting to add but hadn't in our ten years living in this house and that's a grandfather clock. I think having a grandfather clock would nicely cap off my collection of clocks and it would just look terrific in this old house.

