Stirring the Pot

Posted by JMom | Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | , | 0 comments »

When something goes wrong, when people start losing their jobs, when the economy starts slip sliding down, we are all quick to scream FIX IT! We immediately start moaning about how someone needs to do something. But which someone? And what's that something they are supposed to do? Are we ever as quick to offer a solution? Do we ever put our money in our mouths as quick as we put our feet in it? Probably not.

The Rebuilding of America provides us with a way to get involve in turning this economy around. Their purpose is to revive foreclosed construction projects that have defaulted and with the help of individual investors, turn those properties around into their initially intended purposes and also provide work for the thousands of construction related laborers displaced when the properties went into default.

Help rebuild communities by investing a mere $25, the cost of one dinner out. With $25 you can make a difference by getting these projects up and running again. There is no where else that a small investment can make such a huge impact. In return, your small investment will enable defunct constructions projects to be completed and ensuring jobs for the construction workers. Your investment is fully insured and guaranteed against loss via a certificate of deposit that is FDIC insured through a reputable financial institution. Rebuilding of America pledges a 100% return of all profits to the investor.

Be assured that your investment will not go to bail out huge corporate projects but rather focused on community projects that have been sidelined due to the economic downturn. For example, a couple of the projects being considered are:

1. Gulf Coast/ Katrina-stricken area. Low-income partially-built housing destroyed by the hurricane several years ago. Our goal is to rebuild a 20-unit residential property for occupancy.

2. Kansas City. 36-unit senior living patio homes. Incomplete when builder filed bankruptcy. Defaulted to bank. We will purchase, rebuild and turn this into another income-producing investment.


