Cassava Rice Cake

Posted by JMom | Monday, November 29, 2010 | , , | 1 comments ยป

One of the earliest posts, if not the first, on this blog is for a Cassave Cake Recipe (which I just realized we spelled with a K lol!). This is a more updated version of the same cake and with the added glutinous rice flour in the mix, it has a much lighter and 'cakey' texture.

This cake would be a perfect addition to any holiday party and it's so easy to put together, you can literally throw the ingredients together in the morning, bake it while youre dressing and garner the compliments when you get to the office :)
Bibingkang Kamoteng Kahoy

Click here for the recipe to Cassava Rice Cake otherwise known as Bibingkang Kamoteng Kahoy in Pilipino.

Cassava Rice Cake

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  1. Watch Tron Legacy // 12/01/2010 5:40 AM  

    That looks very good thank you for the recipe.
