POM Sexy

Posted by JMom | Thursday, April 23, 2009 | , , | 0 comments »

Pom Juice

A case of these sexy POMs arrived at our door not long ago. If you didn't know what POM juice is or had never seen them at your grocer's before, then you're in for a treat. These are 100% pomegranate juice and only juice and that's the honest to goodness truth. Because they do not contain any preservatives, do not look for them on the juice aisle. Look for them in the refrigerated section, most likely in the produce area (that's where I've always found them).

My girls and I have always loved fresh pomegranates. We get them all the time when they are available (mostly around fall) and when they are on sale. We've tried to get their dad to eat the fruit with us especially since it's been found to be beneficial to prostate health. Studies claim that men who have been diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer were found to have reduced PSA levels after drinking POM juice regularly. The seeds on the fresh pomegranates have always been a deterrent to my husband liking them or eating them on a regular basis. In its juice form though, he would gladly drink it daily. He said he liked the flavor. It reminded him of cranberry juice which he also likes.

Besides prostate health, pomegranate juice is also beneficial to your cardiovascular health. Research has shown that people who drank pomegranate juice regularly had reduced the amount of plaque in their arteries. If you didn't know, atherosclerosis, the build up of plaque in the arteries is a leading factor in heart disease which is one of the deadliest disease in our society today.

So for your health or just because they taste so good, make sure you try out POM juice next time you're at the grocery story. They come in the original pomegranate flavor (my favorite) but they also come blended with other flavors like blueberry, cherry, mango and tangerine.

You can also cook with pomegranate juice, just take a look at the various recipes you can make with POM. I was thinking of making a flan with POM syrup, but wouldn't you know it, my husband and kids drank all the juice before I could get to it! Now I'll have to go buy some more.

At least I got to taste a glass full before it was all gone :) It was very refreshing!

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