Oven Roasted Lechon

Posted by JMom | Friday, April 03, 2009 | | 1 comments »

Oven Lechon
Click on the photo for the recipe.

Any self respecting pork lover will tell you that the greatest attraction for pork is in the fat and in the crunch. This oven roasted shoulder of pork will give you all the best that pork has to offer.

First, the skin. By following my roasting method, you will end up with a crackling that is worth dying for. Surely you'd be in heaven when you feel the skin crunch between your teeth and the full flavor of roasted pork hits your tongue. It truly is pork nirvana. I cook this roast solely for the few squared of skin I get. Dipped in spicy vinegar and garlic, and you'd be moaning like a kitten!

OK, so maybe I exaggerate and maybe I'm even making some of you queasy by now. Well, to each his own, eh? You cannot deny though, the flavor that is in the pull-apart-tender meat. It is the stuff that most barbecue aficionados search all their life for. OK, so maybe I'm exaggerating again... But it is darn good, I tell you!

You just have to try it out yourself so you can see what I'm talking about. Don't forget now, the road to heaven is long and low. Don't try to shortcut the cooking time. The secret to the tenderness and crunchiness is the long cooking time at a low temperature. You can vary the seasoning to suit your taste, but not the cooking time, capish?

Here now then, is the recipe for this oven roasted lechon.

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  1. NKP // 4/03/2009 6:21 PM  

    That does look tasty!
