Thanks for the Muscadines

Posted by JMom | Friday, October 20, 2006 | | 4 comments ยป

I must thank P of What's Cooking in Carolina for inviting us to her garden/vineyard to have a taste of these beautiful muscadine grapes that her husband breed. They were delicious! I wasn't sure if my girls were going to like them as they tend to have a very strong, sweet flavor. My concern was for naught as the girls, especially Asi and Jade, have been devouring these beauties since we went to pick them last weekend. They have even been bringing them to school with their lunches.

Btw, besides her beautiful garden and vineyard, P also has ENTS surrounding her house. We loved them!!


  1. Anonymous // 10/22/2006 3:28 AM  

    I'm so glad you guys had fun. Those Ents are way cool....

  2. Anonymous // 10/24/2006 4:25 AM  

    I've never tried muscadine grapes, but they sure sound good! As for the ENTS, I learned something new today!

  3. Anonymous // 10/24/2006 10:18 AM  

    Hi sis! yeah, those ents were really way cool. We were laughing at Asi cause it took her a while to even notice them. They blend right in with the natural lichens on the tree.

    Hi Rowena! Ents are my favorite characters in the lord of the ring trilogy. Aside from the hobbits, of course ;)

  4. Anonymous // 10/24/2006 7:31 PM  

    We loved having you! If it doesn't get too cold tonight, we may have a lot left so please come back and bring your honey to pick more! For those who don't know you, you have the nicest, most polite children I have met in a good time! Thanks for the note! My first real meeting with a blog buddy! It was great!


    pookah (or peggy)
