Thank you all who participated in this round of Lasang Pinoy. What a great treat it was to continue reminiscing about summers past and at the same time learn about so many coolers and refreshing recipes. Visit these great bloggers to read about their summer experiences and maybe even find a recipe you would like to try.A sunny summer breakfast by afbeercan of Eat Matters presents Roasted Pork loin Hash with Raspberry Poached Egg and a second post on relaxing with Stella Artois (and no, Stella is not a girl), and reading a good book under a tree.
Manang Kusinera is back to blogging with a vengeance and contributes two entries for Lasang Pinoy. Who can forget ice candies in the summer and Palitaw made from scratch!.
Luchie the Pinay Foodie from Singapore reminisces about a summer she spent in the province which awakened her palate to new sensations.Iska from Beijing writes about Saba con Hielo (bananas with ice) which she enjoyed as a child and still does, for her LP11 entry.
Julius, who thought initially that Lasang Pinoy meant a drunk Filipino (lol!!) joins us for the first time from Vancouver, Canada and decided to pursue his initial intuition by offering something to make us drunk instead of just tasting like Pinoys. Have a sip of his sumptuous looking Lychee Colada!
Mike of Lafang not only remembers his summer rituals as a child, he also presents us with a range of summer time favorites including the Pinoy ice cream sandwich!
Ting of World Class Cuiscene offers two more refreshing coolers, cantaloupe and coco juice!
Ces of essenCes has more cooling refreshments and memories of summers spent playing childhood games. See if you remember any of the games yourself. For your enjoyment she offers the mouth watering green mango shake and dalandan juice. Ces also offers another cooler, mais con hielo.
Mita, the Unofficial Cook offers a refreshing drink of cucumber and coconut juice along with memories of summers at the beach with her family.
As a last hurrah to the end of summer in the Philippines, Macky of The Edible Garden contributes Batida, a coconut drink that is sure to mellow you out while you sit and gaze at the beach one last time.
Market Man offers something that I wish I could taste, coffee ice cream and mangosteen jam as a cooling refreshment for summer!
Mira at Mirsbin’s Kitchen laments not having tasted much street-food during her childhood, but her mom made up for it by giving them delectable treats instead. She shares her mom’s mango tart for this round of Lasang Pinoy.
LANI of Chibog, Chika, Lakwacha atbp remembers the summers spent with her grandparents in Bulacan and the bounty of summertime treats to be had. Just like many of us who spent summers being fed by our grandparents, these are the most memorable to our senses.
The super mom (my idol) and self-proclaimed perfectionist, Stef of, as usual treats us to a great essay on summer and being Pinoy; which of course means that food always plays an important role. She also promises of a part 2 which we will add to this list as soon as she is finished with it.
Finally, you have me your host, who kicked off this event with fried fish and eggplant salad and ended with two posts on Sauteed Chayote Squash which always reminds me of my childhood in Baguio, and a cooling drink of Cantaloupe juice which is perfect for the hot humid days back home and here in the South. Thank you all for joining, it was a great pleasure to host this round of Lasang Pinoy.
Join us again for the next round, watch the website for the next topic.
Thanks for this round up of summertime memories. Now I am reminded of what I have been dying to know how to make -- ube ice cream using ube flavor (powder) and vanilla ice cream. Any ideas?
The nearest Pinoy store here does not carry Filipino brand ice creams (not to mention very far!). I am not sure if I can make ube ice cream as I stated above, but I believe the strawberry ice cream is made that way - add strawberry puree to vanilla ice cream.
If you do have ideas to share regarding this, I would appreciate it a lot!
This is nice since I will manage to check most of the Pinoy food and will probably make all of it if I can just find all the ingredients that is.
Hi Manang! We too are experimenting with ube ice cream. I have been buying the Selecta ube ice cream at the Filipino store here but at $9/half gallon! pikit mata talaga akong bumili, and only when we can't stand our cravings anymore. I used to make halaya with frozen ube and I was looking for that last weekend, but they were out. We have tried the powder in our ice cream maker, but were not too happy with the result as it was a bit gritty. I will post a recipe as soon as we see some success.
Hi chas, I hope you do get a chance to try some of the recipes. Do you have a Filipino store or Oriental stores in Norway?
hi! wow, thanks for sharing this nice memories. Thanks also for inviting me. hope to join you next time.
have a nice day!
JMOM!!! I'm late. I just posted my entry today. Okay lang bang humabol pa?!!?!?!?!
hi jmom, thanks for the super-prompt round-up!!! manang and jmom, ube ice cream was supposed to be my LP 10 entry -- i've added ube puree to make ice cream before but i wasn't 100% happy with it -- so still tweaking. would love to work on it with both of you:D
great round-up jeanette! just as i thought i've read all entries hindi pa la... :D
Hi there Jeanette!
What an interesting round-up you have here.
Thank you!!
what an interesting and prompt round-up! congratulations and thank you for hosting LP11! see you again in the next round . . .
what a super successful round! thumbs up to you and to everyone who joined! see you on the next LP event!
we can definitely use this one on the next couple of months, huh?
we have home made ube powder,fresh from our farm. i guarantee you , its all natural. heard of gelato eliseo?the italian ice cream? we supply their ube powder here in cebu.were looking for more customers. if anybody is interested we can send you samples if you like. just email me at