The New Diet Fad

Posted by JMom | Wednesday, September 07, 2005 | 2 comments ยป

Have you ever thought of Filipino cuisine as diet food? Food seems to be all over the bloggerdom this month of September as it is also the topic at

Come visit my theory on a new way to lose weight. EAT!!!


  1. Anonymous // 9/11/2005 1:30 PM  

    Love that Ilocana diet! Very true...I loathe spending money on a gym. It's like paying someone to torture me!

  2. JMom // 9/12/2005 1:08 PM  

    Hi Joey! O diba? just save your money and do something constructive or fun instead. Although, I still have to pinch myself every once in a while when I get the urge to sign up for a gym. Once I made payments for months and didn't go one time! I could have used that money to go out to dinner instead :-P
