
Posted by JMom | Monday, August 22, 2005 | , , | 28 comments ยป

Guinataan Halo-HaloIn the wake of the very successful Lasang Pinoy event, I now have a long list of must try recipes. One of the posts that tickled my tastebuds, is a post from WatsOn about foods cooked with coconut milk. It reminded my of my mom's guinataan. She cooked some while I was in California last month, and it was really delicious. Unfortunately, the next night, on the second go round of it, she forgot about it being on the stove heating, and burned the bottom, ruining our second helpings. WatsOn's post about coconut milk just made me crave it again, so I thought I've make us a batch this past weekend. So pareng WatsOn, this one's for you ;-)

Continue for the recipe...


  1. Anonymous // 8/23/2005 6:57 AM  

    my grandma's ginataan, a perfect mirienda..looks gooooood, Jmom!!

    plus a picture of a kitchen diva, cool! (^_^)

    btw, your kids are naughty, ha ha

  2. Anonymous // 8/23/2005 11:07 PM  

    really yumm! i love guinataan. rolling boil? i have so much to learn jmom.

  3. Anonymous // 8/24/2005 2:52 AM  

    Uy! Ginataang halo-halo! That looks so tempting. With all the rain we're getting here in Manila of late, I'm suddenly craving for a nice big bowl of it!

  4. JMom // 8/24/2005 9:23 AM  

    Thanks, Thess :-) Pilya sila, no? They said next time they want to do other shapes. Sacrilege! it wouldn't be bolabola then, now would it?

    Hi Jun! kakatuwa ka talaga :-) Rolling boil means when the bubbles in the water are rolling and breaking through the surface. When the bubbles are just staying below the surface, staying pretty much in on place, that is a simmer.
    ok, that will be 10 cents for that cooking lesson :-)

    Hi Midge! I love guinataan on a rainy day too. So it's raining there already? We're still having hot weather here, but I just had to have some ginataan :-)

  5. celia kusinera // 8/24/2005 12:38 PM  

    Haay ang sarap naman, I need some right now 'coz it's been raining non-stop here. Pahigop nga - sluuurrrppp!!

  6. Unknown // 8/24/2005 8:24 PM  

    thanks for that tip JMom. they sell the dough balls already formed, ready to boil, different colors, but now i know what to do with them (puro chracters yung methods ehehehe.) the kids always love this "sweet soup."

  7. dexiejane // 8/24/2005 10:17 PM  

    oooh, i can almost taste the chewy dough and the sweet flavor. yum!

  8. Anonymous // 8/25/2005 1:22 AM  

    Yehey!!! Those naughty, naughty girls! I wonder what shapes they'll come up with next time, hehehe! But cute!!!

    Guinataan is indeed comfort food and it also varies between regions. If you can get some (canned) jackfruit and taro (gabi), add them to the recipe next time. But with or without them, this is perfect!

  9. Toni // 8/26/2005 6:06 AM  

    I love guinataan! It's been a long time since I've had this. Thanks for reminding me of this pinoy treat!

  10. Jeanny // 8/26/2005 1:10 PM  

    Hi There. Got here from Toni's.

    Nakakatuwa naman mga kids mo, reminds me na ganyan din kami noon when we were kids and asked by our parents to make bilo bilo (yan kc tawag ng mom ko eh) for ginataan. craving for ginataan na :D

    btw, Link kita ha.

  11. Anonymous // 8/26/2005 1:17 PM  

    That looks so good! The bola bola is my favorite part!

  12. JMom // 8/26/2005 10:51 PM  

    Slurp away, CeliaK! there's plenty to go around :-) I actually ended up freezing half the pot, there is just too much for the girls and I to finish in a few days. My mom says she has frozen this before, so we'll see how it is after a trip to the freezer.

    Hi drstel! that was news to me too, to boil it in water first. I always assumed you cook the whole thing in pure coconut milk. Mom said it will start separating if you cook the coconut milk for the length of time it would take to soften the balls.

    Hi dexie! I have a cousin who would be perfectly happy with just the bilo bilo in the guinataan. :-)

    Hi Karen! that is actually how my mom makes her ginataan, with lanka and gabi, but I didn't have either in the pantry, and the oriental market had already closed :-(

    No problem, Toni! If you were closer, not only would I remind you, I will give you your own bowl :-)

    Hi Jeanny! I'm glad you found your way here, and thanks for the link :-) That must apply to most kids making bilo bilo, all those little balls just tempt you to try another shape :-)

    Hi Joey! me too, I love the bola bolas too, just like my cousin I mentioned above. That's why my mom always make a double batch of dough, she knows it will disappear quickly :-)

  13. ting-aling // 8/28/2005 11:49 AM  

    Ha, another idea for labor day!

  14. Anonymous // 11/27/2005 11:28 AM  

    My Grandma made ginataan only on our birthdays when growing up. She's 90 years old now and want to make it for her. I tried looking for it, and found your recipe. Thank you so much! The picture itself made my mouth water.

    Mililani, Hawaii

  15. Anonymous // 3/21/2006 9:11 PM  

    isn't it supposed to be bilo-bilo not bola-bola?

  16. JMom // 3/22/2006 9:21 AM  

    Mililani, I hope your attempt at making ginataan was successful :-)

    Anon, I think bilo bilo and bola bola are interchangeable? But I'm not an expert, so don't rely on my guess too much :-)

  17. Home's Jewels // 4/04/2006 1:05 AM  

    I am so happy to have found this recipe! My husband and I lived outside Clark AB over 15 years ago and I used to buy guinataan from a street vendor. I've missed it all these years - especially the sweet rice balls. I can't wait to try it. The pictures are great!

  18. JMom // 4/04/2006 9:41 AM  

    Hi HomeJewel, thanks! I'm glad you found our home on the web ;-) I hope you do get to try it. You are lucky you are probably close to all the authentic ingredients and won't have to improvise like I do most of the time.

  19. Home's Jewels // 4/05/2006 10:51 PM  

    jmom: HELP!! I tried to make pearl tapioca following a recipe off the internet. The directions said to soak the tapioca overnight. When I did this, the tapioca pearls went to mush - disintegrated. How do you cook your tapioca? I recently bought the pearl tapioca at a local Asian market, so I don't think they are too old. There are no directions on the package. My e-mail is

    Thank you so much for your help!

  20. JMom // 4/06/2006 10:06 AM  

    HomeJewel, oh no! Yeah, you shouldn't soak them or you will have jello. haha! No laughing matter though when you've spent so much time and effort cooking something and it doesn't come out right.

    I followed a method that CeliaK had on her post which was from Wendy. Try it, it works really well. I actually just bought some more sago, the multi colored ones, and I can't wait to try them!

  21. Anonymous // 7/30/2006 1:23 PM  

    Hi Jmom,
    Thks, for your lesson I did not Know what "Rolling boil" was, Iam traying translate it into Portuguese.

  22. Anonymous // 7/31/2006 10:39 AM  

    Hi Elizete, rolling boil, as I described to the question above is, "Rolling boil means when the bubbles in the water are rolling and breaking through the surface. When the bubbles are just staying below the surface, staying pretty much in on place, that is a simmer."

    I believe in Portuguese it would be feverndo. That's according to my Portuguese intern who just happens to be working with me this summer :)

  23. Anonymous // 8/27/2006 11:55 PM  

    ey, anyone have idea where ginataan came from? where and how it started?

  24. Anonymous // 8/27/2006 11:57 PM  

    where and how did ginataan began?

  25. Anonymous // 8/28/2006 12:01 AM  

    we call it rebitikong

  26. Anonymous // 8/29/2006 4:27 PM  

    Thanks for the recipe, I was craving for it that I decided to check the internet and found yours. I can't wait for the weekend to cook it.

  27. Anonymous // 9/22/2006 6:43 AM  

    youre puting the Guinataan......

    and then youre not puting what kind of guinataan is this pls....

    when youre puting like this put what kind of guinataan is this because theres many guinataan......

  28. Anonymous // 10/19/2006 9:21 AM  

    This is how my mother told me to make it--to a tee. Thanks for the pictures. I'm klutzy in the kitchen, and I needed the visual aids. Will let you know how it turns out.
