Turkey Soup

Posted by JMom | Tuesday, November 30, 2004 | , | 9 comments ยป

So what comes after a turkey feast but the inevitable turkey soup? Here is a very simple version, and it got that turkey carcass out of the fridge.

After most of the turkey meat has been devoured and you are left with just the skin and bones, don't throw it away. Throw it in a stockpot instead, and squeeze the last remaining flavor from it by adding about a gallon and a half of water and boiling it for oh, about an hour. Let it cool, remove the bones and discard. Then strain the remaining broth to remove all solid matters from it. Now you have turkey broth that you can either freeze and use later, or make turkey soup with. To make soup, just add any vegetables you like, I added a couple of cupfuls of frozen mixed vegetables, and any pasta you have on hand. I used fucilli in this case. You can also throw in whatever turkey meat you have left (I didn't have much as you can see), and in ten minutes, or when the pasta is tender the way you want it, soup is on!

Santos of the Scent of Green Banana blog has been wandering in L.A. at Third and Fairfax and she has been so making me hungry! One of the things she reminded me of? La Brea bread! Hhmmm, this goes so well with soup.


  1. ting-aling // 11/30/2004 2:00 PM  

    Hahaha, I knew this was coming!

  2. JMom // 11/30/2004 2:45 PM  

    :-) Haha! I couldn't resist. I started to not post it, then I though, what the heck, it's tradition!

  3. Fish Fish // 11/30/2004 9:55 PM  

    Wah~ the fucilli looks so nice. I owez do vegetarian pasta soup. But never had a turkey one. Isn't the Turkey stock would make the soup taste heavy?

  4. JMom // 11/30/2004 10:17 PM  

    Hi FishFish, yeah, turkey stock is a bit heavier than chicken or vegetable stock, the flavor is a bit more intense but still very good.

  5. santos. // 12/01/2004 2:02 AM  

    hi jmom!

    you should have seen the other holiday breads on offer this year at la brea bakery--fig and walnut, pumpkin, date and pecan, and an apricot panettone. aaaaah! all of those would have a nice accompaniment to the traditional turkey leftover soup.

  6. JMom // 12/01/2004 5:23 PM  

    Hi Santos! I love La Brea bread. I was so glad when our local grocery chain started carrying them. Not as good as freshly baked straight from the bakery, but good enough. They mush ship the frozen doughs to the groceries and they cook them, cause I have chanced upon them when they are still warm. On those days, the whole loaf doesn't usually make it home intact :-)

  7. JMom // 12/02/2004 9:54 AM  

    Hi Ree! Welcome to my little kitchen :)

    Fried is still the best way for dried fish! Bad for the heart, but great on the palate. ;-)

    Hey, you're welcome in my kitchen any time. You can earn your meal with your beautiful poetry ::grin::

  8. Unknown // 12/03/2004 10:36 PM  

    Hi JMom!
    Mssg. fr. #2 son: "Gimme some, gimme some."

  9. Ms One Boobie // 12/17/2004 11:48 AM  

    Very interesting.. and seems simple enough.. that i can cook them for myself.. and chloe..once she starts eating her big gal food.. :)
